This blog has now reached it's end. The American Adventure has finished. Will there be a sequel in the near future? One will never know, but for now let's let the credits roll...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chapter 177


Here it is folks. The end of the American Adventure. The last and final Chapter of KJ’s American Adventure. I started this blog with a desire to save these precious memories for both myself and my family and all my friends. This has been yet another huge chapter in my life in every single aspect and boy has it truly been an adventure!

So much has happened in so little time - well, not that little actually - but time has a weird way of acting in relevance to how you live your life. I’ve never in my life admitted to myself that time went by quickly simply because I never did fill my time as much as I have in these past period. But now, now that I’ve tasted what it’s like to have so much to do with so little time to do it, I truly feel like time is whizzing by at the speed of a fast whizzing thing. A frisbee. Thrown by dynamite. On a jet plane.

In this adventure I’ve seen and heard some amazing musicians, met some truly eclectic people, found many loving friends, seen an ever evolving culture, experienced a taste of the world, shared life with both the rich and the poor, and encountered God at every step of the way. It’s incredible just how much your life can change in such a short time.

But now the journey comes to an end. The American Adventure has run its course and God has a new direction for me. A new season in life.

This is to all the people who have been in some way or another involved in the great American Adventure. I raise my glass to you, take my hat off to you, and every other form of salutation to you.

This is KJ, signing off for KJ’s American Adventure.

Thank you for watching.



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