This blog has now reached it's end. The American Adventure has finished. Will there be a sequel in the near future? One will never know, but for now let's let the credits roll...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chapter 1+1=1 - the Chili Adventure (Pt 1)

Wow, I haven't written anything for the past 10 days.

Not much has been going on. I report that I am safe, alive, healthy, breathing, moving etc.

Just school's been happening. It's good to be back. I suspect I'm falling in love with school life too much. I enjoy it too much. And I hate it when it's cancelled for a holiday, like next monday - Martin Luther King Day. As much as I respect Mr. King, I want my school day thanks. You owe me one.


I bought this recently.

Yes. I've suddenly realised I miss heat in my cooking. I've been doing fine so far. But now I'm just not satisfied.

So, the next couple of purchases are going to be experiments - to try and file the scale of chili heat and see if I can find my perfect match. I've tried the top end of the scale - mexican hot sauce - and that's a bit too much. So now I begin at the bottom end.

And it's pathetic. What was I thinking. Chili powder? The stuff you sprinkle on your pizzas? Clearly, this was rubbish. Now to take it up a notch.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Chili exploration adventures.

Oh and here's the first LPW of the Year.

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